Official Candidate Electiontime Rantwall

In this section I will air grievances surrounding the borkedness of these elections;

Stoolen Election

I know I'm sounding like a broken record at this point; but this election is being stolen from us by crooked systems. Them powers that be won't let you vote for but whom but they want you to, in most undemocratic fashion.
Big monied corporate collectives are deciding who has access to the inner circle of being allowed in the public eye. They ignore ideas and candidates they don't want to gain traction, rather than letting our voting public do their own choosing of all the options.

My peers(candidates) are seemingly complacent in all of this, even though it makes anyone winning thru the conventional mainstream means meaningless democratically.

One of my top platform priorities has and will continue to be voting reform. Right now voting is very very very sick and twisted. Voters are being culled from records, election datas are wiped and federally investigated, and not nearly enough people are participating. We need easy, secure and modern voting now so we can actually start fixing the problems that our politicians keep pussyfooting around eternally.
-Alex commenting on some AJC slop 11/2/17

These forums have been extremely tone-deaf to the growing sentiment that currently, the coverage of this race has been hollow, with the most monied of the candidates being shilled for more coverage and the self-fulfilling prophesies of how well they're doing are being forged.
All these collectives and organizations are dropping the ball big time by allowing these events to be so biased and ultimately seemingly without soul or substance. The people running these events are acting as a hinderance to an earnest discussion about how BOLD-SHIFT, how exclusionary and disingenuous this all is.

I had the displeasure last night of seeing the nasty side of this race at an event I had been invited to participate in. When I got on stage, I began taking part in an unexpected game of musical chairs first being in Mary Norwoods seat(she strangely insisted on correcting), then Kwanza Hall arriving and giving him his seat(as I took the floor on the end before being provided a new chair a bit later). Then during the first question being asked to all the candidates; I was approached and whispered to that I was not scheduled to be there and I would get no questions asked towards me. This was strange and news to me because I had received an invitation to participate and rsvp'd and all that jazz, I hadn't been notified that my invite had been taken-backsee'd until after the event started. 
Being told "If we let you participate we'd have to let all the other write-in candidates do so aswell" was surreal. So rather than just be real or whatever and thinking on their feet, they proceeded to just have me up there for nothing. They actually just tried to play off that I wasn't there as best they could, and I obviously don't think that was the right way to handle it, like; at all. Even as some candidates filed out during the talk and ample time was opened up to include more viewpoints such as those of the person on stage not being included. They addressed me not. Had it not been for my instincts I'd have been escorted off by security at the end but flight took me and I continued my race for Mayor by bolting the other way.
We need to do things differently, this isn't an okay way to treat people. I have much experience in this 'going against the grain' thing, me and standard procedure aren't eye2eye. I believe all actions, such as being on stage but being disallowed to speak, reveal truths. Everyone was created equal and maybe we should listen to instead of silencing our less powerful voices and pretending they'll go away.
-Alex on a Mayoral forum he was part of 10/10/17

I am running because I don't believe there is anyone more radical to fill the space of Mayor than me. I don't believe that the city government is currently moving in a direction where the things I care about are being addressed quickly or at all. 
I want to Champion a bunch of quality-of-life improvements that, if put in to place, would greatly improve Atlanta. I want to shift the distribution of power from the wealthy to everyone by pushing policy that benefits not developers and corporations foremost, but which makes life better for our citizens. 
I want to implement a basic income program to give everyone the freedom to pursue their passions with $1k a month; enough to take a load of pressure off things like rent and eating. 
I want to 'Robin Hood' 60% of new luxury housing units being produced and make them public housing to try and mitigate people being pushed out of their homes/neighborhoods/the city itself. 
I want to modernize broken and out-dated stuffs like implementing super-secure, fraud proof, verifiable yet anonymous online/offline voting.  I want city-wide access to speedy, cheap and open internet and to put a new website in place where everyone has access to our legislative process using open source software.
I want every traffic light in the city to be smart using programing and to sensors in a smart way which'd make our city more efficient to get around. I want to expand public transit to get rail service to many more places. I want to put sidewalks on places where it seems we have forgotten to do so.
 I want a city where the people are proud of the work the government does.
I want to stop people getting hit with life-ending punishment for non-violent criminal offences. I want the people to know that the city has their back to pursue happiness and freedom, and to demonstrate this by shifting the focus off monied interests and on to our individual rights as citizens.
 I hope enough people catch my message because I am confident that my aspirations and goals match what any individual might want from a public leader and for that reason I believe I'm the best canidate for a lot of people and for our city. Voting in me would send the message: 'we are ready for the status quo to change and it's going to'.

-Prepared statement for CBS46 interview 8/23/17

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